Paul A. Hampel
Attorney at Law
(210) 375-7526
The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel1202 Hallmark Ste. # 201San Antonio, Texas 78216
Parole Representation
Attorney Parole Arguments to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
-Parole services for a flat fixed fee of $2,400 for all Texas Offenders accepted. -Only $400 dollars required upfront to get started
Features of
The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel
Experienced Parole Representation
29 Years of representing prisoners to the Texas Board of Pardons and ParolesFree Follow Up Representations
Our goals are the same- To get you home. And we are not done until you are home.A Fixed Fee For All Clients
Families and clients know the cost from the beggining and it will not changeAll Offender's Charged the Same Fee
Location of Offender or Crime Committed Does Not Change the PriceFeatures of
The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel
Experienced Parole Representation
29 Years of representing prisoners to the Texas Board of Pardons and ParolesFree Follow Up Representations
Our goals are the same- To get you home. And we are not done until you are home.A Fixed Fee For All Clients
Families and clients know the cost from the beggining and it will not changeAll Offender's Charged the Same Fee
Location of Offender or Crime Committed Does Not Change the Price
The following is my current fees and services agreement for all parole cases. The total fee is a fixed fee of $2,400. There is a non-refundable $400 interview fee. This fee will cover my interview with the client on the unit. The remaining balance in the case is $2,000. The $2,000 can be paid in installments (monthly, weekly, etc.) but it must be paid before the Parole Board reviews the client’s case. If any part of the parole representation is not performed in a timely manner the client is entitled to a refund for that portion not performed at their request and the refund will be sent to the person at the address the client designates.
The following is a breakdown of the service provided to my parole clients:
• Review of Client’s Case, Prison and Parole Records and Conduct a Face to Face Interview Between Paul A. Hampel and the Client;
• Contact Family and Friends to Make Living and Transportation Arrangements;
• Develop Arguments in Favor of Parole;
• Prepare Client’s Written Argument and Parole Plan and Submit the Argument with an Interview Request to Speak to the Lead Voter in the Case;
• Contact Directly the Parole Board Member or Commissioner Who Votes on Parole and Present an Oral Presentation to the Parole Board Member or Commissioner Voting the Case;
• Argue for an Immediate Release and Discuss with the Parole Board Member or Commissioner any Conditions They Feel are Necessary for Parole Approval;
• If the Vote is for Parole, Track the Case Through Release Processing Until the Parole Certificate is Printed and Encourage the Most Efficient Release Possible;
• If the Vote is Against Parole, Discover the Reason(s) for the Denial and Provide Any Follow-Up Parole Presentation that is Necessary for Free When the Next Parole Review Occurs.
I hope these steps help you understand my services and what things are important for us to accomplish. Please feel free to ask me questions as they arise.
Few prisoners choose to represent themselves at trial court even though this option exists. Nevertheless, every year thousands of prisoners waste years of their lives by getting set-offs due to failing to take full advantage of their opportunity to argue for parole. I believe parole is the best chance for freedom when incarcerated. I personally visit every one of my clients on the unit. I pursue as much relevant information as possible and I provide my clients and (with the client’s approval) their support with copies of all information in the file. My goal is your satisfaction and I will work very hard to achieve your parole if you choose to hire me for your representation.
The use of the internet for communications with the firm will not establish an attorney-client relationship and messages containing time-sensitive or confidential information should not be sent.
Every parole case is unique and past performance does not predict future results.
The Law Office Of Paul A. Hampel
Swipe the slides below to learn details about The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel and my service to my clients....Installment Payments Accepted
My office has always and continues to accept installment payments for my services. I do not require a fixed fee schedule (mandatory amounts per month) except the first $400 must be paid at the start of the case. Every payment thereafter will receive a letter indicating the payment and balance at that time. The remaining $2,000 must be paid in full before it is time to present the case. I will withdrawal from a case if I have not been paid in full ($2,400) by the time the Board is ready for my presentation. In the case of a withdrawal the client is entitled to all fees not earned. However, clients are free to hire me well in advance and spread their payments out as much as they like. Also, many families divide my fees among several family members. For example, several family members might each pay a few hundred dollars over the course of a few months and thus cover the full fee. In addition, clients can skip a week or a month as long as the total fee is paid in full before the case is reviewed by the Board. All of these methods are welcomed by my office as a means of making my fees affordable. I feel it is important for me to focus on being the best attorney I can be for my clients. Complicated billing systems can be both distracting and disrespectful to my clients and their support. It is important clients know the cost and that clients in the prison system are treated with equal respect. You can assume that no work is stopped for non-payment prior to the presentation of a case. I only stop work on a case if the client fails to pay and the Parole Board is ready for my presentation. Swipe the slides to learn details about The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel and my service to my clients....Free Follow-Up Presentations
No attorney or representative can guarantee any approval vote by an independent parole voter deciding any parole matter. In those cases where I have accepted difficult cases or cases where an insufficient amount of time has been served I offer free follow-up presentations until the client is released. I do not charge for any follow up parole presentations. Client's not receiving approval for parole are entitled to any follow up presentation needed provided they DO NOT: 1) Terminate the attorney client relationship; 2) Receive a refund (except for over payment refunds); 3) Fail to pay the entire $2,400 fee; OR 4) Become part of a formal grievance, complaint, or charge back request against Paul Hampel or The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel. For follow up parole I normally do not see a need for a second on unit interview. However, any client can receive an additional on unit interview if they request the interview and pay an additional $400. The follow up parole presentation will receive the same promises and update of all of the services covered by the initial parole presentation fee.I offer this service so that client's can take comfort that this option exists if it is necessary. Many prisoners and their families are often unsure when to hire a parole lawyer. On the one hand, they want to release as soon as possible. On the other hand, they do not want to spend large sums of money on attorneys for each new review of their case. Free follow up presentations allow families to know the price will not change and they should hire me as soon as possible so I can fight for the best possible result. They are designed to build mutual loyalties between myself and my clients and to encourage us to work together as much as possible for your release. This offer is also designed to show that my first goal is your parole. Under the law, I cannot guarantee parole. Parole Board Voters are the only people that decide parole. But this service is further proof that I will do my best and will stand by my clients. Swipe the slides to learn details about The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel and my service to my clients....Office Policies
Parole decisions are determined by parole board and cannot be guaranteed by any lawyer. In all parole cases my fees are broken down into three parts. There is an interview fee, a written presentation fee and an oral presentation fee charged in each case. The $400 unit interview fee covers my in person face to face interview with the client on the unit. If an interview on the unit is not conducted with my client for any reason then the client is entitled to a refund at his or her request. All cases receive a written argument which includes all supporting documents received and an interview request to speak with the lead voting member of the Parole Board on the case. Of the total fee $1,000 is charged for the written argument. For the oral parole presentations I present each client's case when they are up for parole review. I seek the highest level of contact that the parole board member will allow me. Of the total fee $1,000 is charged for the oral presentation. If for any reason any part of the parole representation is not performed as described and in a timely manner the client is entitled to a refund for that portion not performed at their request and the refund will be sent to the person at the address the client designates.Anytime a client is dissatisfied or seeks a refund I ask that the client (not support or family) should make their request in writing and I will respond as soon as possible. Support and family are always welcome to call, but under the law the client must make final decisions. In the case of requests for refunds to the inmate's trust fund I ask the client allow additional time to take into consideration any holds that TDCJ may place on incoming inmate trust funds. My goal is to provide all refunds within a month of their written request. Swipe the slides to learn details about The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel and my service to my clients....Features Of My Parole Service
In developing my parole representation, my first goal is to gather up all available information from all available sources. These sources include my face to face client interview on the unit, my writing exercises for my clients, court records, all discoverable parole records, and all support letters and information from friends and family members. I also use my resources throughout Texas to create the detailed parole argument and plan I make for your loved one. All clients receive face to face interviews and all cases are presented by me, Paul A. Hampel. You must be a licensed attorney in Texas to represent an offender to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. Ex-cons and “consultants” can only make form packets with little value in this process, misleading well intending families. Unregulated services like Parolegy or D&D Worldwide Services milling packets do little or nothing in the parole process. It is not impactful to make pretty paperwork or a nice magazine in a system where there are clear guidelines and directives governing parole decisions. Direct communication on the factors the Parole Board has identified as important are the key to good parole representation. Packet mills are not licensed and regulated as attorneys and they are not allowed to personally represent offenders in front of the Parole Board. There is no recourse against such overpromising and misleading claims on the internet. Your freedom and effort deserves greater respect than these internet outfits. If parole is denied I do not charge for follow up parole presentations (See “Free Follow Up Presentations”). I personally handle all interviews with my clients on the unit as well as all of my client’s presentations to the Parole Board voting my client’s parole cases. No assistants or associates are used for these purposes. NO FORMS, QUESTIONAIRES, MONITORED UNIT PHONE CALLS OR OTHER CORNER CUTTING DEVICES ARE USED BY MY OFFICE TO COMPROMISETHE QUALITY OF MY FACT GATHERING. In my opinion such forms and questionnaires are both time consuming and an inappropriate substitute for a face to face contact on the unit. These forms and questionnaires do not allow for follow up questions and discussions that can result in the discovery of key parole information. Because I represent prisoners in each parole region throughout the state, I keep regular professional contact with the Parole Board. If a Parole Board member votes a case without speaking to me the client is entitled to their choice of a Special Review Request or a refund under my refund policy (See “Refund Policies”). I feel good parole representation is about discovering your information and arguments for parole and getting those arguments noticed by the voters of your case. My representation is designed to be as thorough as possible based on the documents I pull, the people I contact and the organization and government sources I use. Swipe the slides to learn details about The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel and my service to my clients....Parole Presentations & Direct Discussions With The Board
I feel the key to parole presentations are direct discussions with Parole Board members when they are reviewing and voting cases. I believe there is no substitute for a conversation at the time of parole review. Parole voting members are under no obligation to speak to anyone when reviewing a parole file except properly registered victims that request contact. But my experience is that all of the parole voters are generous with their time and very open minded. I make my presentations directly to the lead voter of the case at the time when the file is being evaluated and voted at the regional parole board office. I do NOT merely hand in a parole packet or papers or have a paralegal or assistance handle my communications. If the Parole Board denies parole, I provide any follow-up parole presentation(s) that is necessary for free when the client is next reviewed until the client is released. Swipe the slides to learn details about The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel and my service to my clients....My Approach To Setting My Fee
I know what others charge and I believe my fee is fair. My fee is designed to make representation affordable for families at most income levels throughout the State of Texas. Parole representation organizes and motivates clients and their family members. It clarifies and develops arguments within the Parole Guidelines. It is a valuable service and it should be fairly priced so that quality is maintained. The Parole Board in many ways defines the general scope of what any representative can develop. And while features (free follow-ups, interview assurances, in person contact, ect.) may vary, the presentation each attorney produces should be compatible with the Parole Board approach to maximize persuasion. My fee is a fixed fee that estimates how many hours the average case will take and what a reasonable wage is for that many hours of work. All cases receive my maximum individual attention and effort. In person contact with the client is provided with each case and presentations are presented throughout the state. My fee is based on my experience and takes into account that I am able to see and present more than one client when I travel to units or present to a Parole voter. These factors greatly reduce my costs and I pass these savings on to you by maintaining a lower fixed fee. I feel by running my office this way, I am making a worthwhile service affordable. It is my passion and calling to commit myself to this work and these standards. I live and enjoy this work a great deal. And I welcome the chance to continue to serve others as much as I possibly can now and into the future. Swipe the slides to learn details about The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel and my service to my clients....Cases In Review And Shortway Date Reviews Discretionary Mandatory Supervision Cases
Because I am efficient and stay completely on top of my caseload I am able to accept cases in review at all units around the State of Texas. When a client hires me who is already in review it does limit some of the documents I am able to request. I generally find that this does little to compromise the overall quality of such cases in the review process. And while it is ideal to hire me prior to the review process, because of my free follow-up policy it generally makes sense for clients to hire me at their earliest convenience regardless of the current stage of their case. Clients eligible for Discretionary Mandatory Supervision receive a letter on the unit indicating they are being reviewed for Discretionary Mandatory Supervision. They cases are reviewed with a favorable voting structure. Under legislative rules the burden of proof is shifted in favor of parole based on the amount of time served. Arguing this key point can be impactful in these cases. Statistically we see the approvals for these cases are moving towards the numbers of parole cases. This suggests many unrepresented cases are not being considered for this key aspect of their case. Good representation can emphasize this shift in the burden of proof and add persuasion to a parole argument.About Paul A. Hampel
I am Paul A. Hampel. I graduated with a Jurist Doctrine from California Western School of Law in San Diego, California. I moved to Texas and was admitted to the State Bar of Texas in 1994. My 30 years as an attorney have been in solo practice representing prisoners in front of the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. At this point I exclusively do Texas State Parole Representation for clients in the entire Texas Department of Criminal Justice system. My experience with the prison system and arguing parole cases for 30 years benefits my clients by communicating my client’s strengths and respecting the parole voters’ time. My office is small enough to address individual concerns and to still allow me to individually visit each client and to personally make each presentation. The volume in my office allows me to keep my fees low and to maintain great contact with entire parole and TDCJ prison system. Swipe the slides to learn details about The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel and my service to my clients....Value Of Attorney Representation For Prisoners Seeking Parole
An attorney is not required to be reviewed for parole or to argue for a prisoner’s release when the prisoner is parole eligible. But I do believe a clear fact based presentation of an argument consistent with the Parole Guidelines is the best way to show a prisoner is deserving of parole.I travel all over The State of Texas and see all of my clients in person. I go to all of the units in the TDCJ system and I do presentations to all of the parole board offices around the state. The Texas parole system is large, complex, and ever changing. I believe it requires knowledge and experience to properly evaluate cases, parole expectations and trends of the Board to effectively argue for a client’s parole.The biggest problem I see in the Texas parole review process is paperwork overload. In each prisoner’s parole file there is support information, possible protest information, police and arrest history, court and supervision information, and unit parole information. In addition there are evaluations, summaries, and expectations in these areas. This is a lot to review for each vote. In each vote there is a parole summary created by the IPO office that is sent to the Commissioner who votes the file. I believe the entire parole board is dedicated in their efforts to review each case a s thoroughly as possible. The problem is the task they are faced with on a continuous basis. I believe it is too difficult to look at all of the information in each prisoner’s file when making a vote. I think it is a full time job to just review the IPO summaries and cast votes in this way. To ask or expect the Board to review all of the information in every file is unrealistic. The paperwork in this process is simply too much work under the current system. Because of this paperwork overload, in my opinion, the key to parole presentations are direct discussions with Parole when they are reviewing and voting cases. I feel all of the parole personnel are generous with their time and very open minded towards family and attorney arguments. But if you are relying on packets to add paperwork and somehow impact the process, I think that approach ignores too much. My experience with the prison system and arguing parole cases for 29 years benefits my clients by communicating my client’s strengths and respecting the parole voters’ time. My office is small enough to address individual concerns and to still allow me to individually visit each client and to personally make each presentation. The volume in my office allows me to keep my fees low and to maintain great contact with entire parole and TDCJ prison system. Swipe the slides to learn details about The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel and my service to my clients....To Hire The Law Office Of Paul A. Hampel
I encourage all persons interested in my services to first call my office at 1-888-707-2765. I will be happy to take your call if I am in town. This work requires me to travel to the Parole Board Offices and the prison units around the state. If I am not available you can speak with my well trained staff of certified paralegals with extensive law office experience. We all will do our best to serve you and answer all of your questions. I charge a total fee of $2,400.00 for any parole case in Texas. I do not do federal cases, parole revocations, Murder cases, Injury to a Child, cases where the client is a confirmed member of a security threat group (gang) or Sexual cases (Aggravated Sexual Assault, Indecency with a Child, Sexual Assault, ect.). To hire my office I require $400.00 payable by debit or credit card over the phone or by mail with a check or money order made out to: Paul A. Hampel 1202 Hallmark #201 San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 375-7526 1-888-707-2765 or 1-888-70-PAROLE Toll Free. Please include enclosed with the payment your name, address and phone number as well as the client's name, TDCJ # (the seven or eight digit number written on all of their correspondence) and their unit where they are located. Upon receipt you will receive an acknowledgement of payment letter and I will immediately begin requesting the client's documents and the client will be placed on my visiting list. Most clients are seen within one month from the time they enter my office. Clients at remote units can take longer but they are still generally seen within a month of the time they come in my office regardless of where they are located in the prison system. Swipe the slides to learn details about The Law Office of Paul A. Hampel and my service to my clients....